Children's Services

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

At Apache Junction Calvary Chapel we value the safety of your kids, both physically and spiritually. Our fellowship hall is currently being converted into the "Clubhouse" to better serve our children. The new layout will include added safety features such as separate children's bathrooms,  a check in/check out area and a fenced in playground. Please bear with us as our children's services currently
look a bit different during the remodel.

Spiritually, our goal is to teach your kids the foundational truths of scripture and help anchor them through their adult life with roots that run deep into the Word of God. We have children's services for infants through 6th graders on Sunday Mornings at 10:00AM as well as Wednesday Nights at  6:30PM. We currently use the "christ centered, chronological Bible studies" from Lifeway's Gospel Project curriculum to aid us in leading your little ones to Christ. 

Children's Ministry Directors

Sunday Morning & Children's Events

Noah and Grace Johnson

Introducing our new Children's Ministry Directors in charge of Sunday Mornings, Children's Events and Programs. Noah has been attending our church his whole life. He met Grace while attending Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta as a young adult and they were married in 2013 in our sanctuary. They added Avery to their family in 2017. They are excited to serve in this capacity and we are excited to see how the Lord leads and grows our children through their leadership. Grace shares:

We feel blessed with the opportunity to serve in the children's ministry! Noah has been
around children his whole life,  we have 15 nieces and nephews on his side of the family and a
daughter of our own. Noah is great with kids and loves to teach them. As his wife it brings joy
to my heart when I see how much the kids love him! He has a way of making church fun and
keeping kids engaged while sharing the truth about Jesus. I also have a passion for ministry
and serving the church using my administrative gifts. I help Noah with the practical and
logistical side of children's ministry by ensuring volunteers know what to expect, and have
the resources they need to be successful. Noah and I make a great team and we are excited
to see what God has in store for these kids!

Wednesday Evening

Naomi Funk & Laura Nelson

These two ladies have been serving together in the children's ministry for almost a decade. They both met their husbands in Bible College. They both have 3 girls- Naomi also has one boy- and they both have worked with children in professional settings. Laura worked in a preschool before becoming a full time mom and Naomi currently works as support staff for an elementary school. While they both have the skills and knowledge to work with children, they also have hearts to serve and lead these little ones to Christ. They primarily run our Wednesday Night Children's Program but can be found serving in many capacities for the Children's Ministry and we are thankful for their consistency!

Volunteer Sign Up

As construction finishes up on the fellowship hall our kid's ministry is displaced.
 We want to serve our kid's as best we can and that currently means we are meeting outside while construction is finished as quickly as possible.
We are doing our best to keep everyone safe and comfortable while outside
- including our volunteers!
We are looking for volunteers each Sunday 
to help ease the burden on any one person.
 Click the link below to sign up for ONE slot for any of our 10am services.
Thank you in advance for serving our kids alongside us!

The "Clubhouse"

Coming Soon!